We are meeting our goals ALONG THE YEAR 2009

The year culminates surprised the world with a severe economic crisis. However, for the Peruanitos Foundation it meant a growth opportunity, seeking alliances with private enterprises and known personalities, making raise the necessary funds for their charities.

Such is the case of the new premises of the Pronoeis “Estrellita del Saber” and “Casita del Saber”, located in the human settlement “The Lúcumo” in Huaycán district of Ate, whose rooms look rejuvenated, with strong walls and ceilings to continuous rains in addition to their respective tables and chairs, the installation of water and sewer service, gardens and playground.

At the opening ceremony attended by specially invited by the Foundation, the renowned Venezuelan artist Gaby Spanic, who together with renowned Peruvian singer William Luna, unveiled the commemorative plaque.

Without fear of one of the most significant works of the year 2009 is held in the Human Settlement Isidoro Tello Melendez, the Bethlehem district, in Iquitos. In that area of ​​the Selva it was built a modern early childhood education center for 40 children, thanks to the family Poletti from Italy did get larespectiva donation.

Last June, it was necessary to take immediate measures to address the low temperatures in the south of the country and for the third consecutive year, the Foundation decided to support children and the elderly wearing warm clothes and blankets to 180 victims of the cold spell population centers of Jayujayu, Copamaya, Ccocosani, Thunuhuaya, Santa Rosa de Yanaque and Acora Lake Zone, on the heights of Puno.

To this end, the Foundation promoted the realization of a show hosted by the famous TV host Fernando Arau, who was accompanied by Peruvian singer William Luna at the Alex Theatre in LA, an event jointly attended by hundreds of people.

Private enterprise was no stranger to the achievements of this year and its commitment was evident in various ways, such as travel agency Union Service, Inca Textiles Inc., and dozens of restaurants participating in the campaign “A smile, a dollar. “

To continue supporting the Preventive Centers Juvenile Salamanca, San Martin de Porres, San Juan de Miraflores and La Punta, a meeting which was Minister of the Interior, Dr. Mercedes Cabanillas was needed who was proposed sign an agreement inter.

Our goal is to ensure that every child living in poverty or abandonment will overcome this situation. Supports our cause and feel the satisfaction of having collaborated with improving the lot of our beloved Peru.


We are meeting our goals ALONG THE YEAR 2009
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